“Trump solicits ‘election defense’ donations that also finance his new leadership PAC”


In the wake of the election, President Trump’s supporters have been peppered with texts and emails asking for donations to support legal battles contesting his loss to President-elect Joe Biden.

“We can’t allow the Left-wing MOB to undermine our Election,” one missive says. Another appeal asks donors to give to an “EMERGENCY Wisconsin Recount Fund,” which it claims was “just activated” to request a recount in the state.

But details outlined in the fine print show that a small portion of the donations would go toward these “election defense” funds to support recounts and lawsuits in several swing states.

The majority of each donation goes to a political action committee called Save America, which Trump set up in recent days and will allow him to support candidates and maintain political influence in Washington even after leaving office.ADADVERTISING

The “leadership PAC” is a loosely regulated fundraising vehicle that allows current and former elected officials to raise and spend money to maintain relationships with donors, and help their political allies.

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