Here are the collected posts for our Balkinization symposium on Neal Devins and Lawrence Baum’s new book, The Company They Keep: How Partisan Divisions Came to the Supreme Court (Oxford University Press, 2019).
1. Jack Balkin, Introduction to Balkinization Symposium on Neal Devins and Lawrence Baum, The Company They Keep
2. Richard L. Hasen, Siloed Justices and the Law/Politics Divide
3. Jack Balkin, All Hail Ed Meese!
4. John O. McGinnis, The Supreme Court as the Aristocratic Element of a Mixed Regime
5. Linda Greenhouse, The Company We No Longer Keep
6. Frank Pasquale, The Political Theory of a Balanced Bench
7. Sandy Levinson, Partisan Divisions in the Supreme Court: It’s Likely to Get Worse (and There’s No Reason to Think that it Will Necessarily Ever Get Better)
8. Mark Graber, Newtonian and Anti-Newtonian Political and Judicial Polarization
9. Rick Pildes, What is Judicial Courage?
10. Neal Devins and Larry Baum, Justices and Their Audiences