Press release via email:
The League of Women Voters of Arizona joined voting rights organizations in a lawsuit filed against Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan Monday, nine months after notifying her office of significant federal voting rights violations.
The lawsuit, filed by the League of Women Voters of Arizona, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, and Promise Arizona, details how Arizona has continued to engage in known violations of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), a law the League was instrumental in passing. The ACLU, the ACLU of Arizona, Demos, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law are representing the plaintiff organizations.
“Secretary Reagan is failing to ensure that Arizona voters’ addresses are updated in accordance with federal ‘Motor Voter’ requirements,” saidRobyn Prud’homme-Bauer, co-president of the League of Women Voters of Arizona. “The NVRA requires states to update voters’ registration addresses when there is a driver’s license address change, unless the voter opts out of updating their voter registration address.”