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Monthly Archives: August 2009
“White House Plans to Shift Efforts at Civil Rights Division”
The NY Times offers this important report, which begins: “Seven months after taking office, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is reshaping the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division by pushing it back into some of the most important areas of American political life, including voting rights, housing, employment, bank lending practices and redistricting after the 2010 census.”
The entire article is a must-read for election law junkies.
“Citizens United Sparks Pitched Battle”
Eliza’s latest.
“Partisan Rivals Unite to Modernize Voter Registration System”
This press release announces the emergence of this new organization, The Committee to Modernize Voter Registration, headed by Marc Elias and Trevor Potter. The announcement appears timed to the release of this new report on voter registration modernization from the Pew Center on the States.
UPDATE: See also this WaPo editorial.
“IJ and Independence Institute Ask High Court To Strike Down Unconstitutional Regulation Of Issue-Oriented Organizations”
See this press release about this cert. petition.
One More Judicial Elections Symposium
This one is in New York on Sept. 17.
Wisconsin Judicial Elections Program Sept. 17
This program looks interesting. As I’ve mentioned, I’ll be attending a similar panel in Seattle on September 14.
“Federal Judge Throws Out Connecticut’s Landmark Campaign Finance Law”
The Hartford Courant offers this report about this decision which I blogged about on Friday. The opinion will be appealed to the Second Circuit.
Opinions about the ruling: Norwich Bulletin, Hartford Courant, Public Campaign, Brennan Center (and Richard Winger’s response), Center for Competitive Politics.
Opinion on the Mass. Temporary Senate Replacement Controversy
Washington Post, Providence Journal, Rob Richie.
The latest on the possible candidates in the special election to replace Senator Kennedy is here.
“U.S. Meetings With Lobbyists Go Unreported”
The Washington Post offers this report, which begins: “President Obama ordered federal officials to disclose their contacts with lobbyists trying to influence how the government doles out money to jump-start the economy. Yet few such communications have been reported even though lobbyists say they are busier than ever with the multibillion-dollar stimulus.”
“Caperton v. Massey returns to W.Va. Supreme Court”
The Charleston Gazette offers this report.
Citizens United Audio?
Will the Supreme Court release audio of the oral argument on Sept. 9 right after the argument concludes, as it has done in other recent high profile cases, including NAMUDNO? If the audio is released, I plan to “live”-blog (or is the better term “tape-delayed live blog”?) the argument, as I did with NAMUDNO.
“State Board of Elections OKs registration changes for college students”
The Roanoke Times (Va.) offers this report.
“Supreme Court to Revisit ‘Hillary’ Documentary”
The NY Times offers this front-page report.See also this WSJ oped by Hans von Spakovsky.