Moritz’s election law site has put up the most recent posts to the electronic roundtable. I have written How to Decide the Texas Redistricting Cases. Dan Lowenstein has written On Election Law Jurisprudence. Rick Pildes has written Political Competition, Redistricting, and the Texas Case. Later today, I expect Ned Foley, who is attending oral arguments in the Vermont and Texas cases, to post a report from the Vermont case on the Moritz site (with another report tomorrow). I would be very pleased to post on my blog reports from others attending the oral arguments. Simply send me an e-mail with your impressions.
Monthly Archives: February 2006
“Senate Draft on Lobbying Clamps Down on Earmarks; Rules Panel Would Target Narrow Spending and Require Prompt Disclosure of Meals Received”
The Washington Post offers this report. See also Lobbyist Turns Senator But Twists Same Arms in the NY Times, which begins: “It might be said that Senator John Thune went through the revolving door — backward. As a lobbyist in 2003 and 2004, Mr. Thune earned $220,000 from the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad, a small but ambitious company in South Dakota. The railroad hopes to rebuild and rehabilitate 1,300 miles of track, the nation’s largest proposed railroad expansion in more than a century. Now, as a junior senator from South Dakota, Mr. Thune is working to make that happen, raising questions about whether there should be curbs on lobbyists-turned-lawmakers in the same way that there are on those who take the more traditional route of leaving Capitol Hill for K Street.” The LA Times offers States Offer Grim Look at Curbing Corruption; Many have rules that Congress is considering. But scandals underscore the difficulty of policing ethics, even with independent oversight.
Two Roll Call opeds
Donna Brazile writes Will the Supreme Court Preserve Voting Rights for Minorities on the Texas redistricting case and Adam Lioz writes Two Cases, Two Approaches, One Principle, which begins: “The late, great legal scholar John Hart Ely conceived of judges as referees. Rather than taking sides in political or cultural disputes, Ely believed that the judicial branch should police the political process to ensure fairness and thwart powerful in-groups’ inevitable efforts to stack the deck against their out-of-power rivals.” Paid subscription required.
“Supreme Court Set to Weigh Central Election-Law Issues”
The New York Times offers this report. NPR has this audio report on the Vermont case being heard today. See also this report in the Christian Science Monitor.
“Justices Set for Redistricting Cases; Court considers Texas” revision of map after ’02 GOP victories’
USA Today offers this report. See also this report in the Houston Chronicle, this AP report, and this report in the St. Petersburg Times.
Thoughts About the Vermont Campaign Finance Case to Be Argued Tomorrow
Over on the Moritz law electronic roundtable, you can find my latest contribution, How to Decide the Vermont Campaign Finance Case and Rick Pildes’s contribution, Campaign Finance and Political Competition.
“Texas-size gerrymander case heads to high court”
The Chicago Tribune offers this report. Thanks to Howard Bashman for the link (as well as to links to many other election law related articles linked to over the last week—we should never take Howard for granted!).
“A Citizens’ Assembly in the Golden State”
Jan Frel offers this column at Alter Net. Thanks to Rob Richie for the pointer, who also passes on links to Henrik Hertzberg’s New Yorker column on the national popular vote plan for president and to this post on the question of recounts and the national popular vote plan.
“I.R.S. Finds Sharp Increase in Illegal Political Activity”
The New York Times offers this report. In somewhat related news, see Santorum’s Charity Had 60% Overhead.
“Throw Out the Map: Supreme Court has chance to do Texas right”
The Dallas Morning News offers this editorial.
“DRAWING THE LINE; Will Tom DeLay’s redistricting in Texas cost him his seat?”
Jeffrey Toobin offers this analysis in the New Yorker.
“U.S. Supreme Court to hear arguments Tuesday on campaign finance”
AP offers this lengthy report.
“Supreme Court to Vote on Election-Law Cases; At issue are campaign spending caps in Vermont and redrawn voter districts in Texas.”
The Los Angeles Times offers this report.
“Election law shake-up in fraud fear”
The Sunday Times (AU) offers this report, which begins: “BRITAIN will introduce laws this week to combat postal vote fraud in a bid to allay fears that the UK electoral system is open to abuse and rigging.”