Category Archives: absentee ballots

NYT Analysis: Mail Vote Favored Liberal Supreme Court Candidate in Wisconsin Election (No, This Doesn’t “Upend” Conventional Thinking About Partisanship and Mail-in Voting)

The NY Times has posted this analysis of mail-in voting in the recent Wisconsin primary, showing that the liberal candidate for the state supreme court (favored by Democrats) did better than the conservative candidate (favored by Republicans). This is no… Continue reading

“The Simplest Way to Avoid a Wisconsin-Style Fiasco on Election Day; If voters don’t get absentee ballots on time, states can offer an easy-access write-in ballot—an option that already exists for Americans overseas.”

Ned Foley and Steve Huefner for Politico: While states are required by federal law to accept FWABs from military and overseas voters, a version of the FWAB does not yet exist for domestic voters—essentially because the need for it previously… Continue reading

“COVID-19 Should Be a Legitimate ‘Excuse’ to Vote by Mail; In the 16 states that require an excuse to vote by mail, fear of the coronavirus should become an acceptable reason for receiving a mail ballot for the November election.”

Brennan Center: The remaining 16 states allow voters to cast a mail ballot only if they meet certain criteria — typically, that the voters will be away from their home county on Election Day, that they are serving abroad… Continue reading

Important New Report as Mail-In Voting Ramps Up for November: “Signature Verification and Mail Ballots: Guaranteeing Access While Preserving Integrity”

Great report out of the Stanford Law School Law and Policy Lab, which looks in depth at how California counties handle signature verification on absentee ballot envelopes and how they notify voters about rejected ballots. This kind of detail really… Continue reading