We Get Letters, Cont’d

Angry Texans in my mailbox this morning as the Dallas Morning News picks up my Slate piece on Justice Ginsburg and Texas voter id.  Here’s a sample letter:


We here in Texas are quite capable of deciding what's good for Texas- without any help from the land of fruits and nuts.

We don't need your kind of liberalism- I call it being a "California Liberal"- telling us what is best for us.

I have a few friends here in Texas that grew up in Cali.  We even go to Starbucks here in Texas, and we discuss football, the weather, and like we do every morning- politics.  I live in a smaller suburb of Dallas, one that has the highest income, per capita, of any town in the US with a population of less than 30,000.  We have a tendency to believe that people who work for their money are the same people who should be able to decide how their money should be dispersed.  Yes- I'm one of those "right wing conservatives" that Hillary is so worried about.  Most of you Cali Libs LOVE to give away other people's money.  There are many things that my other conservative friends and I can discuss with our Cali friends, but politics isn't one of them.

You guys must put something in the water out there that tends to make people see "real world" events, such as a woman's right to kill an unborn baby, and some imaginary "right" to do so, along with so many other stupid ideas that I won't even attempt to go into here.  Suffice it to say that we don't think like you Cali Libs do here in Texas.  Oh, there's a few who have moved here from "up North" and from places like Cali- fools who want to try and tell us "how they do it" up North, or out in Cali.

It's the same ones doing that who lost their jobs in Cali, or got tired of the unemployment, or the higher taxes, or whatever else you libs have ruined in that place they couldn't wait to get out of, only to come here and try to tell us just how "wrong" we are.


Tell you what- you guys can have your Gwyneth Paltrows, your Alec Baldwins, your Sean Penns, Harvey Weinsteins, etc- you know, the "limousine liberals" that tell me not to drive my SUV, but ride in their limos and in their private jets- yet fail to see the hypocrisy in their duplicitous ways- and  we'll keep our George W Bushes, our Ross Perots, etc.

We're not trying to tell you what's best for you nutjobs- so, why don't you keep your liberal nose out of Texas' bidness, ay?

Stay the hell out of Texans' affairs.  You have no clue what you are talking about.
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