“Tandem press briefings”

Politico: “President Barack Obama’s White House is taking a new approach to straddling the tricky legal line between governing and campaigning: the tandem press briefing. Starting last week, Obama for America traveling press secretary Jen Psaki joined White House Press Secretary Jay Carney when he was briefing reporters aboard Air Force One during Obama political trips. So far, there have been three such off-camera gaggles, as the press and White House call them. (Transcripts here,  here and here.) The White House says the arrangement helps comply with a federal law known as the Hatch Act, which prohibits use of taxpayer resources for political purposes and bans staffers from using their official posts to advance the president’s reelection prospects. Obama aides say the tandem briefings help keep the hot side hot and the cold side cold, as it were, but not everyone is a fan of the practice.”

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