Two Must-Listens on ALEC

Conservative Group’s Charity Status Draws Questions  by Peter Overby for NPR and an excellent discussion on Warren Olney’s “To the Point.”

Here’s the discussion and links for the latter:

A New Look at the Sausage Factory Where Laws Are Made (12:07PM)

The Trayvon Martin killing has sparked a national firestorm over Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Now it turns out that 24 other states have similar laws because of a little known group called the American Legislative Exchange Council. “ALEC” brought state legislators from around the country together with lobbyists for the NRA to agree that Florida’s law would become a model for other states. What other measures has ALEC originated?  Is it democracy in action, or a way to enact special interest legislation without public scrutiny?

Note: ALEC declined our invitation to participate in this program.

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