In the Election Law Mailbag

With the crazy election season, I’ve let new books and articles pile up on my desk. I can’t see my students anymore, so here’s the list to clear my desk. I hope to turn to these items after the election.
Seth Stern and Stephen Wermiel, Justice Brennan: Liberal Champion (this one I’ll be reading right away, as Steve will be speaking here at Loyola on the book next Friday)
Eskridge, Frickey and Garrett (eds), Statutory Interpretation Stories
Jay Weiner, This is Not Florida: How Al Franken Won the Minnesota Recount
James Roger Sharp, The Deadlocked Election of 1800:L Jefferson, Burr, and the Union in the Balance
Lorraine Minnite, The Myth of Voter Fraud (I read parts of this in draft; highly, highly recommended)
Council of Europe, Supervising Electoral Processes
Chris Goodman, Examining ‘Voter Intent’ Behind Proposition 209: Why Recruitment, Retention, and Scholarship Privileges Should Be Permissible Under Article I, Section 3, 27 Chicana/o -Latino/o Law Review 59 (2008), and (M)Ad Men: Using Persuasion Factors in Media Advertisements to Prevent a ‘Tyranny of the Majority’ on Ballot Propositions, 32 Com/Ent 247 (2010).

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