Category Archives: absentee ballots

“Sources Close to the President’s Reelection Campaign Tell Axios” That “Trump trashes mail voting in part because he sees the messaging as good cover if he loses to Joe Biden in November”

That’s in an article entitled “Scoop: Kevin McCarthy Warns Trump’s War on Mail Could Screw GOP.” The idea that Trump is attacking mail-in voting to give himself an excuse if he loses to Biden in November is the most benign… Continue reading

“Voters Face a Complicated Election as the Pandemic Remakes Voting; Mail-in voting, Covid-19, disinformation and a possibly lengthy wait for results make the 2020 election unlike others”

Important deep dive by the WSJ: In a year of uncertainties, one thing seems certain: This November’s general election is shaping up to be one of the most complicated in U.S. history.States are racing to make changes to voting procedures… Continue reading

“This Is Democrats’ Doomsday Scenario for Election Night: What if early results in swing states on Nov. 3 show President Trump ahead, and he declares victory before heavily Democratic mail-in votes, which he has falsely linked with fraud, are fully counted?”

Trip Gabriel for the NYT: In Michigan, Ms. Benson predicted that three million votes would be cast by mail this year, 60 percent of the total. She has called for changes to let election clerks process absentee ballots early —… Continue reading