Category Archives: ballot access

Donald Trump’s Cert. Petition to U.S. Supreme Court in Colorado Disqualification Case Raises Serious Issues that Merit Immediate Supreme Court Review; His Political Question Argument Risks Instability

Donald Trump’s just-filed cert. petition in the United States Supreme Court, like the earlier-filed cert. petition from the Colorado Republican Party, raises serious issues of profound national importance that merit extraordinarily expedited review by the United States Supreme Court. This… Continue reading

Maine Secretary of State, Piggybacking on the Reasoning of the Recent Colorado Supreme Court Decision, Finds Trump Disqualified and Orders Him Off Primary Ballot (But Decision Stayed for Judicial Review)–Makes SCOTUS Review of Issue More Likely

You can find the 34-page decision of the Maine Secretary of State at this link. Much of the reasoning of this decision tracks the analysis of the Colorado Supreme Court in Anderson. As Derek has suggested, the Colorado decision… Continue reading