Category Archives: federal election commission

FEC Commissioner Hunter Responds to FEC Chair Weintraub’s Attempt to Put Foreign Interference Draft in FEC Digest, Confirms FEC Foreign Contribution Ban (Without Opinion on Whether Opposition Research is a Thing of Value)

Statement: Late last week, my colleague, Ellen Weintraub, unilaterally and without advance notice, made public a draft interpretative rule regarding the Act’s foreign national ban and placed it on the agenda for the open meeting of October 17, 2019. Approval… Continue reading

FEC Commissioner Hunter Blocks Publication of Weekly FEC Digest Because it Includes FEC Chair Ellen Weintraub’s Statement About What Counts as a Thing of Value for Purposes of Ban on Foreign Contributions to Campaigns

Can’t make this up folks: 3/GOP FEC Commissioner Caroline Hunter took the altogether unprecedented step of objecting to its being added to the Digest and blocked publication of the whole Digest as a result.— Ellen L. Weintraub (@ellenlweintraub on… Continue reading

Ex-FEC Commissioner Petersen Left FEC Without a Quorum In Order to Work at Holtzman Vogel

Anna Massoglia: Ex-@FEC vice chair Matthew Petersen—whose departure effectively thwarts any FEC enforcement action going into 2020 elections—is joining Holtzman Vogel Josefiak Torchinsky, a political law firm known for creative legal maneuvers hiding "dark money" donors—… Continue reading