Paul Ryan on the van Hollen case

Paul explains:

Last year, Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) had enough of the FEC’s gutting the disclosure laws and sued the FEC challenging the 2007 regulation. Last week, District Judge Amy Berman Jackson struck down the regulation, which permitted some groups to hide their donors, finding that it contradicted “the Congressional goal of increasing transparency and disclosure in electioneering communications” and that “such a rule could result in the wholesale evasion of disclosure requirements if contributors were encouraged to simply transfer money but keep their thoughts to themselves.”

Judge Jackon’s decision marks another victory in the ongoing battle for transparency of money in politics, but it’s not the end of the battle. An appeal is likely.  The FEC will undoubtedly drag its feet in repealing its invalidated regulation—with no fix likely before this year’s elections. Hundreds of millions of special interest dollars will likely be spent to influence this year’s elections and voters won’t know where those dollars came from.

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