“California lawmakers advance mail-ballot legislation to bolster Newsom election change”


The California Republican Party and its national GOP counterparts have sued to stymie Newsom, arguing he had exceeded his statutory authority. Former Rep. Darrell Issa, who is running to return to Congress, has also challenged Newsom’s order.

President Donald Trump has blasted mail voting on the grounds that it undermines Republicans, and he has repeatedly mischaracterized Newsom’s order to bolster his claims that mail balloting invites fraud.

While Newsom has said he already believes his order is on “firm legal ground,” he allowed that “to the extent [legislators] want to codify it I think that could help as well.”

“I do think there’s some existing legal authority” to pursue that goal, said Sen. Henry Stern (D-Canoga Park), “but I see this measure as a critical piece of girding that effort.”

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