PILF’s Christian Adams Threatens to Sue Sen. Whitehouse for Defamation, and Organization Distances Itself, Ever So Slightly, From John Eastman (Without Ever Mentioning His Name)

This paragraph of the letter about John Eastman caught my eye: Second, your letter then wrongly states “[m]any of these same groups were involved in planning and organizing President Trump’s ‘Save America Rally.’” The same paragraph creates the false inference… Continue reading

“The Conservative Voter Fraud Swarm; Interlocking sets of legal organizations comprise what amounts to a marketing campaign for the false narrative of stolen elections.”

TAP: Several more-established conservative legal groups mask themselves with the branding of well-known pro–voting rights organizations. There’s the American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU; formerly the American Civil Rights Union), which could easily be confused with the American Civil Liberties… Continue reading

Don’t Fall for Von Spakovsky’s “Tip of the Iceberg” Voter Fraud Bullshit Contained in Extensive Reuters Report on the Fraudulent Fraud Squad

Reuters does a deep dive into the small cadre of vote suppressors such as von Spakovsky, Christian Adams and Cleta Mitchell: This year, the Trump campaign and the Republican Party have cited concerns about voter fraud in a nationwide… Continue reading

“A Conservative Legal Group Significantly Miscalculated Data in a Report on Mail-In Voting; President Trump touted a new report on voter fraud, but ProPublica found a critical error with the data. Even with the correction, experts say the report is misleading.”

ProPublica: In an April report that warns of the risks of fraud in mail-in voting, a conservative legal group significantly inflated a key statistic, a ProPublica analysis found. The Public Interest Legal Foundation reported that more than 1 million… Continue reading

Don Palmer, Now on the EAC, Assisted Christian Adams and PILF with “Alien Invasion” Report, Currently the Subject of Defamation/Voter Intimidation Suit

Tierney Sneed from TPM: Before he was named by President Trump to the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission, Donald Palmer, a former GOP-appointed secretary of the Virginia State Board of Elections, assisted in the creation of sensational voter fraud reports that Continue reading