Kansas SOS Kobach Apparently Disobeying Court Order, At Least for Now


In the aftermath of a federal judge’s ruling yesterday voters may be confused about voter registration. The judge ruled it is unconstitutional for Secretary of State Kobach to make voters show proof of citizenship to register. However Secretary Kobach told county election officials to keep enforcing that rule, until he gives written instructions to do otherwise.

He will, however, comply with the judge’s order to do mandatory CLE:

On Monday, a federal judge struck down the state’s proof of citizenship voter registration law in a ruling that excoriated Kobach’s conduct in court and ordered him to take additional legal classes. Kobach quickly promised to appeal; his office said the judge had reached an “extreme conclusion.”

He said he believes Judge Julie Robinson’s requirement of additional education is not necessary, though he will comply with it.

“I’m not familiar with any other judge doing such a thing,” Kobach said.

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