Dale Ho on Kobach Sanctions for Misleading Court: “Dog Ate His Homework”


Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach asked a federal court this week to reconsider sanctions imposed against him after the judge ruled he made “patently misleading representations” to the court about the contents of voting rights documents he was photographed holding while meeting with Donald Trump in November…..

Kobach filed a motion to reconsider the “manifestly unjust” sanctions Thursday, saying he didn’t intentionally mislead the court. Instead, he said, he eliminated four pages of arguments from a brief his attorney was drafting in order to get it down to the page limit as a filing deadline approached. In the Thursday motion, Kobach says that last-minute cut eliminated crucial context in the 30-page brief for his argument for why the NVRA amendment documents were irrelevant to the lawsuit and that his attorney lacked time to review the edits because Kobach sent them to him at 10:30 p.m. on the day the brief was due….

Dale Ho, director of the ACLU’s voting rights project and a lawyer in the case, summarized Kobach’s editing excuse in an email response to HuffPost.

“Dog ate his homework.”


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