“Trump wants to force you — the taxpayer — to pay for campaigning from the pulpit”

Ellen Aprill for WaPo:

At Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast, President Trump renewed his campaign pledge to repeal — in his words, “totally destroy” — the Johnson Amendment, a provision of our tax code that prohibits charitable entities, including churches, mosques and synagogues, from intervening in campaigns for elected office, at the risk of losing of their tax-exempt status.

Bad idea, Mr. President.

Current law already permits religious leaders and religious organizations to express their views about candidates without undermining our campaign finance laws. What they can’t do is express those views on the taxpayer’s dime. Doing away with the Johnson Amendment would undermine the principle that all campaign finances are taxed at least once, placing taxpayers in the unreasonable position of subsidizing the partisan agendas of religious entities.

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