Does President-Elect Trump Have an Interest in Working for Free Voter IDs?

From this NY Times story on tensions between the president elect and African-Americans, and a meeting with Martin Luther King III:

Mr. King said the session, which included a discussion about voting rights, had been “constructive,” and described Mr. Trump as eager to present himself as inclusive.

“He said that he is going to represent Americans — he’s said that over and over again,” Mr. King, the president of the Drum Major Institute, a progressive New York-based public policy organization, told reporters. “We will continue to evaluate that.”

On Monday, Mr. King sought to defuse the furor surrounding Mr. Trump’s remarks about Mr. Lewis, saying, “In the heat of emotion, a lot of things get said on both sides.”

Mr. King has pressed for the creation of a free photographic government identification card to make it easier for Americans who do not have driver’s licenses, including many black voters, to cast ballots, and he indicated on Monday that Mr. Trump had taken an interest in the plan.

“It is very clear that the system is not working at its maximum,” Mr. King told reporters. “We believe we provided a solution.”

But other leaders said Mr. Trump’s relationship with African-Americans — tense bordering on toxic after a strident campaign that instilled fear, and a transition that has done little to allay their concerns — would not improve unless the president-elect altered both his tone and his policy positions.

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