“Wikileaks Emails Purport to Reveal Ties Between Clinton Campaign, Super PAC”


WikiLeaks’ latest release of what the website says are emails taken from the Clinton campaign reveals the close ties between campaign and its allied super PAC, illustrating a growing trend this election cycle.

The emails—whose authenticity the Clinton campaign declined to verify—purport to show that the Clinton campaign sought to bolster fundraising of its allied super PAC, Priorities USA Action, but advised aides how to stay within the confines of campaign-finance law, which prohibits campaigns and super PACs from coordinating on strategy.

In one memo, the campaign described fundraising conversations staff could have with Priorities officials without running afoul of the law. Campaign officials can “identify donor prospects” for the super PAC and provide contact information, the memo said, but can’t “explicitly request” that the super PAC solicit major donations.

My read of the memo is that it advised the Clinton campaign and its allied Super PAC to do exactly what the D.C. Circuit and the FEC said they could do. It’s horrible but legal and few expect unilateral Democratic disarmament.

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