Commissioner Weintraub Proposal Concerning Foreign Money on FEC Agenda

Read the memo about a proposed rulemaking:

This proposal is narrowly drawn to examine just the role of foreign political spending in U.S. elections post-Citizens United, a topic for which I hope there is greater agreement among Commissioners. No member of the Federal Election Commission should be willing to tolerate the risk of foreign nationals interceding in American elections.

In my New York Times op-ed, I underscored the need for this rulemaking, as without a clarifying rule, arguably the only standard consistent with the flat statutory ban on direct and indirect foreign-national political spending in U.S. elections is a zero-tolerance standard for political spending by corporations with foreign owners. I proposed alternatively that we require corporations to verify that the share of their foreign ownership is less than 20 percent (or some other threshold that a rulemaking process would help us identify).

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