“Democratic Challengers and Open-Seat Candidates Have More Dollars on Average – But the Number Running Is Way Down”

The latest from the Campaign Finance Institute:

eports recently filed by House candidates covering financial activity through September 30th continue to show an advantage for the Democratic Party among challengers and open seat candidates. House Democratic challengers raised more than twice as much as their Republican counterparts through September 30. Democrats running for open seats raised 75% more than their GOP equivalents.

However, the small number of candidates who have thrown their hats in the ring will weigh heavily on the party’s chances to close the gap in the battle for majority control. Only 153 Democratic challengers and open seat candidates have reported receipts with the Federal Election Commission through September 30. This number of non-incumbent candidates is well behind historic patterns, down from the 269 at this time in 2013 and 365 in 2011. 

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