“City Council Races Offer Change in Ferguson After Months of Upheaval”


Months of voter registration drives by the N.A.A.C.P. and other civil-rights groups added 562 names to Ferguson’s rolls of about 12,700 voters — a 4 percent increase. But St. Louis County election officials said the increase was not substantially higher than registration changes in nearby cities in the same period.

Patricia Bynes, the Democratic Party committeewoman for the area that includes Ferguson, said getting people out to vote was as important as registering them. When she went door to door with volunteers, she said, she found that many people were registered to vote but that they did not know when to cast their ballots or who was running.

“The hurdle in the past has not been voter registration,” she said. “It’s been voter education in making sure they know there is an election.”

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