“McConnell Plots a Functional, Bipartisan Senate”

CQ Roll Call interviews the incoming Senate Majority Leader. Among the items of interest to students of the legislative process:

  • McConnell wasn’t saying he would never use procedural tools, such as the Rule 14 process, to bypass committees or filling the ‘amendment tree’ to block amendments, but he certainly wants those tools to be far more rarely used than in recent years under Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
  • McConnell said Republicans are reviewing how to go at [Obamacare] through the budget reconciliation process — which would allow for passage of legislation through the House and Senate without needing Democratic votes — but said he wants fellow opponents of the law to be realistic.
  • McConnell wants to set up the real standoff with the White House on the regular funding of the government, restoring the old practice of getting 12 spending bills to the president’s desk well ahead of Sept. 30.  “If you believe one of the biggest problems confronting the country is over-regulation by this administration, the single most effective way to begin to rein in the aggressive regulators who, in my view, have done great damage to this economy, is in the bills that fund the regulators,” McConnell said, citing the EPA as a top target.

A transcript of the interview is here.

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