Israeli Supreme Court Orders New Elections in Beit Shemesh, Nazareth: Voter Impersonation Fraud in Beit Shemesh case

Jerusalem Post.

The Beit Shemesh case has been fascinating to watch, as it seems to involve a fair amount of real live impersonation fraud. Since I can’t find any modern U.S. cases where this has been a major problem, it is useful to examine why it was a problem in Beit Shemesh (especially given that they use voter id to vote in Israel). And the answer seems to be that those engaging in the fraud were doing so on order of their rabbis. That is, they were motivated by a religious desire. (Interestingly, the same allegation figures into recent allegations of voter fraud in Brooklyn.)

For those wanting to keep up with the Beit Shemesh case, the Failed Messiah website is indispensable.

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