“Republican Who Tossed Voter Registration Forms Let Off The Hook”

Ryan Reilly:

The young Republican who grabbed national headlines after being arrested for throwing voter registration forms into a dumpster before the 2012 election won’t be facing any legal consequences.

A judge in Virginia dropped several misdemeanor charges against Colin Small on Wednesday, meaning the 23-year-old will not face any penalties for discarding a number of voter registration forms. Felony charges were dropped back in April, but Small was still facing five misdemeanor counts until this week.

And there’s this:

The experience has left Small’s family skeptical of the judicial system, Holloran said.

“They’re not from the hood, where you go ‘hey man, don’t deal with the man, the cops don’t play it straight up and don’t trust prosecutors.’ They trust cops and they trust prosecutors because they believe they’re going to do justice. It’s a very difficult education for them,” Holloran said.


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