Thank You

This has been probably the busiest season yet for the Election Law Blog, as issues related to the voting wars seemed to have hit the public consciousness in a way they never did before.  Add into that the new campaign finance regime and hyper-polarization and the rise of litigation–there’s been a lot to cover.

I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to visit this site, and thanks especially to those of you who emailed me tips, criticisms, and suggestions—you’ve helped to make this a more accurate and fairer place to get information about election law.

The election is over, though there could well be some recounts.  I’ll be turning my attention to issues related to the expected Supreme Court case over the constitutionality of the voting rights act, the continuing deregulation of campaign finance, attempts to fix our broken election system, the role of political polarization in Congress and the courts, and other issues that often take place below the radar but that have profound implications for the nature of our democracy and representation.

Thank you for reading.

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