Be Careful If You Sign Up for Romney Mobile App

CNN reports that if you want to be among the first to find out about Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential pick, you should sign up for his mobile app.

I signed up for the Obama text message to find out about his v.p. choice in 2008.  I’ve never sent a text again, given any information besides my phone number, or sent the campaign (or any presidential campaign) a penny in contributions.  But I have received dozens and dozens of text messages from the Obama campaign over the last few years.  Just yesterday, I received a text from Michelle Obama asking me to sign the President’s birthday card (and, I assume, make a donation at the same time.)  I have not unsubscribed because I am interested in watching if, and how, my cell phone number will be sold to other campaigns.

So signing up to be among the first to find out Romney’s v.p. choice may hardly be free.

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