Election Law Journal 11:1 Now Available; Preview of 11:2

The new issue of Election Law Journal (11:1) is now available.  It includes

  • articles on NYC’s public financing system, Target’s 2010 gubernatorial campaign contribution, post-election audits, and the assessment of voter competence,
  • a comment on the UK’s redistribution (redistricting) rules,
  • an exchange on voter ID and other state voting law changes, between Hans von Spakovsky and Justin Levitt, and 
  • Sylvia Lazos’ review of two recent books on Latino voting. 

The table of contents appears below.

The next issue of ELJ (11:2) will feature a symposium on Election Law in India, with contributions from Ellen Weintraub & Samuel Brown, David Gilmartin & Robert Moog, Anupama Roy, Ujjwal Singh, and others.  It will also include an article by Bob Stein & Greg Vonnahme on election day vote centers, and book reviews by Mark Rush and Kelly McNicholas.

ELJ 11:1 – Table of Contents

The Party Line: One Year and Counting, Paul Gronke &  Daniel P. Tokaji


Small Donors, Big Democracy: New York City’s Matching Funds as a Model for the Nation and States, Michael J. Malbin, Peter W. Brusoe &  Brendan Glavin

Business in the Bulls-Eye? Target Corp. and the Limits of Campaign Finance Disclosure, Taren Kingser & Patrick Schmidt

Post-Election Auditing: Effects of Procedure and Ballot Type on Manual Counting Accuracy, Efficiency, and Auditor Satisfaction and Confidence, Stephen N. Goggin, Michael D. Byrne & Juan E. Gilbert

Assessing Voting Competence and Political Knowledge: Comparing Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries and “Average” College Students, Jessica N. Link, Martha Kropf, Mark Alexander Hirsch, Flora M. Hammond, Jason Karlawish, Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse & Christine S. Davis


From the Organic to the Arithmetic: New Redistricting/Redistribution Rules for the United Kingdom, Ron Johnston & Charles Pattie

Forum: New State Voting Laws: Barriers to the Ballot? 

Protecting the Integrity of the Election Process, Hans A. von Spakovsky

Election Deform: The Pursuit of Unwarranted Electoral Regulation, Justin Levitt

Book Reviews 

Latino Voters 2012 and Beyond: Will the Fastest Growing and Evolving Electoral Group Shape U.S. Politics?, Sylvia R. Lazos (reviewing Marisa A. Abrajano and R. Michael Alvarez, New Faces New Voices: The Hispanic Electorate in America, and Marisa A. Abrajano, Campaigning to the New American Electorate: Advertising to Latino Voters).

Where “This Rabble Opposite” Meets “Events, Dear Boy, Events”: Law, Politics, and the People, Caroline Morris (reviewing Graeme Orr, The Law of Politics: Elections, Parties and Money in Australia).

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