“Editorial: Americans Elect needs to identify its donors”

Sacramento Bee: “There are plenty of questions about Americans Elect and reasons for skepticism. But the organization should answer one threshold question by disclosing its contributors. Secrecy, big money and politics can make for a toxic stew.”

Also in Time: “American Elect says its use of anonymous giving is an effort to safeguard big-ticket donors, well-heeled and connected types who are fearful of retribution. But the explanation hasn’t mollified good-government advocates. ‘It’s absurd that this group says they want to change the way business is done and they’re attempting to run a candidate for President on the ballot in 50 states with secret money’” says Fred Wertheimer, president of the campaign-finance watchdog group Democracy 21. ‘If the candidate of Americans Elect were to play a key role in determining the outcome of the 2012 election using secret money to finance their candidate, that would be an extraordinary scandal.'”

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